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  • Carlos Henderson OPS Instructor Bio | Nami North Texas

    About Carlos Henderson Carlos has 10 years with The Colony Police Department. He has an Advanced Peace Officer Certification and Mental Health Officer Certification. He is a m ember of Texas CIT Association, a Star of Texas recipient, Hostage Negotiator, Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Instructor, Psychiatric Technician, and is a Behavior Consultant for a 6A school district. Carlos holds a Life-Space Crisis Intervention Certification, Critical Incident Stress Management Certification Individual and Group EMT Intermediate (non-active) He has numerous interactions and negotiations with Crisis Affected Individual. Carlos is involved with NAMI North Texas Overwatch Peer Support.

  • Internships | Nami North Texas

    Intern with us! Each semester, NAMI North Texas accepts a limited number of highly qualified students as interns. We are proud to have mentored interns from multiple schools such as Texas Woman’s University, Baylor University, University of Texas at Austin, University of Texas at Arlington, The University of Texas at Dallas, Texas A&M, FLAME University, and the University of North Texas. We hope to build a relationship with you and your University in the future as well. We do not provide clinical services, so LCSW and counseling interns will not be accepted. To be considered for our Internships, please complete the application linked below. Once your application is received, we will follow up with you for interviews and next steps. community Programs internship The Community Programs Internship is a non-paid Internship working directly with the Director of Programs and Community Engagement Coordinator on the planning, development, coordination, implementation, and reporting of all NAMI North Texas’ programs, presentations, and outreach. Additionally, the Internship will involve research and dissemination about a particular mental health-related topic in North Texas to our NAMI Community. Please email CarolynK@NAMIN for full description of responsibilities , required and preferred qualifications, and essential skills. TBA Marketing & Events INTERnship The Marketing & Events Internship is an unpaid internship with NAMI North Texas. As an intern, you will play a crucial role in organizing and promoting fundraising events, contributing to social media engagement, and supporting external communications. Your responsibilities will include assisting in the planning and execution of events, creating and managing content for social media, and developing email campaigns. This position provides a valuable opportunity to enhance your skills in event coordination and marketing while supporting mental health resources in North Texas. For any questions about the internship please contact Marisa@naminorthtexas. org . TBA

  • Mental Health | Nami North Texas | Dallas

    परिवार के सदस्य और देखभाल करने वाले और अधिक जानें What's New 1/1 हमारी टीम से मिलें For Adults with Mental Health Challenges Although mental illness can feel isolating, you are not alone, and there is hope for recovery. NAMI North Texas offers many different tools, resources, and support groups for a multitude of demographics, which aim to educate, support, and advocate for those who suffer from mental illness. LEARN MORE For Families & Partners Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar circumstances. By sharing your experiences in a safe and confidential setting, you gain hope and develop supportive relationships. LEARN MORE For Schools & Teachers Help battle the stigma that surrounds mental health conditions and provide the resources and support that can make a difference in the lives of youth and their families. LEARN MORE स्विस एवेन्यू पर ब्लू हाउस "मैं आपको स्विस एवेन्यू पर नीले घर से मिलवाता हूं; यह वह जगह है जहां मुझे एक नया परिवार और स्वीकृति मिली। यह नीला घर था जिसने मानसिक बीमारी के बारे में सच्चाई और उस स्थिति के बारे में मेरी आंखें खोल दीं जिसने मुझे मेरे द्वारा चुप कर दिया था अपना "रक्त" परिवार। ब्लू हाउस ने मुझे अपनी कार से बाहर रहने पर मुझे फोन करने के लिए एक सुसंगत स्थान दिया क्योंकि मैंने पहली बार अपने भावनात्मक समर्थन कुत्ते का दावा किया था। नीले घर ने निर्णय या परित्याग में मेरे लिए अपना दरवाजा बंद नहीं किया था, लेकिन जब मैं अपने सबसे निचले स्तर पर था तब मुझे खुली बाहों के साथ आमंत्रित किया। इसने मेरे भावनात्मक समर्थन कुत्ते को आश्रय भी दिया और मुझे परिवार का एक हिस्सा बना दिया जब मैंने अकेला महसूस किया और जाने के लिए कोई जगह नहीं थी। नीला घर मेरा सुरक्षित आश्रय और एक जगह बन गया जहां मैं फलने-फूलने और अंतत: एक ऐसी दुनिया में अपनी आवाज ढूंढने में सक्षम हुआ, जिसने मानसिक स्वास्थ्य की स्थिति के साथ जीने वालों को कलंकित किया। स्विस एवेन्यू पर ब्लू हाउस के अंदर के लोग मेरा नया परिवार और ताकत बन गए, जब मैं पुनर्प्राप्ति और आत्म-पहचान के इन नए जल में नेविगेट कर रहा था। मुझे यहाँ नीले घर में छिपना नहीं पड़ा; एक व्यक्ति के रूप में नहीं बल्कि एक व्यक्ति के रूप में समाज में अपना स्थान खोजने के लिए यह मेरा संक्रमण था। ब्लू हाउस ने मुझे आगे बढ़ने और दूसरों को सुनने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया, जो अपनी पीड़ा से पीड़ित और चुप हो गए हैं। मुझे अब डरने की जरूरत नहीं है, क्योंकि ब्लू हाउस में परिवार ने मेरी चुप्पी तोड़ी और मुझे अपना उद्देश्य खोजने की शक्ति दी। मेरे नए परिवार ने मेरी बीमारी के बावजूद मुझसे प्यार किया और मेरी देखभाल की और मुझे उस व्यक्ति के लिए देखा जो मैं था, न कि मेरे मानसिक स्वास्थ्य की स्थिति के लिए। स्विस एवेन्यू पर यह नीला घर था जिसने मुझे कलंक की जंजीरों से मुक्त करने में मदद की, जिसने मुझे बहुत लंबे समय तक बंदी बना रखा था।" - अनाम NAMI North Texas was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in Texas in 1982. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible charitable organization and is the local affiliate of NAMI National and NAMI Texas.

  • Lisa Redwine OPS Instructor Bio | Nami North Texas

    About Lisa Redwine Lisa started at the FBI on August 1988 and became a back-up photographer in 1990. In 1995, became a member of the newly created FBI Evidence Response Team, and specialized in forensic photography and crime scenes. In 2020, a group of 12 ERT members from across the US started the Resiliency Working Group Team. In 2022, Lisa attended the F1RST Peer Resiliency Training and met Todd Gyure. It was then that he asked me to attend OPS Training to become a peer to others in supporting roles across law enforcement. Lisa been a part of OPS since April 2023.

  • NAMI Basics | Nami North Texas

    NAMI Basics is a free, six-session program designed for parents and other family caregivers of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral difficulties. NAMI Basics helps parents and other family caregivers understand the mental health conditions that may be causing these behavioral difficulties and the critical role families play in the treatment of those conditions. The program is taught by trained teachers who are also parents/family caregivers whose children experienced emotional or behavioral difficulties. What are the goals? ● To give the parent/caregiver the fundamental information necessary to be an effective caregiver ● To help the parent/caregiver cope with the impact that emotional and behavioral difficulties have on the child and the entire family ● To provide tools for the parent/caregiver to use even after completing the program that will assist them in making the best decisions possible for the care of the child ● To help the parent/caregiver take the best care possible of the entire family – especially themselves What you will gain: ● Information covering issues frequently faced by families dealing with a child or teen with mental illness ● Connection with other parents and/or caregivers ● The latest research on the medical aspects of the illness and advances in treatment ● An overview of treatment options- treatment works ● An overview of the systems involved in caring for children and teens and the importance of record keeping REGISTER FOR NAMI BASICS “I now realize other parents are struggling too. Thanks for helping me through a challenging time in my life and supplying me with the knowledge I need to help my son succeed.”

  • Events | Nami North Texas

    Upcoming Events November 14, 2024 Plano Event Center Plano, TX North Texas Mental Health Symposium Learn More

  • Claudia Smith | Nami North Texas

    Claudia Smith I have been a member of NAMI North Texas and a teacher of Family-to-Family in Spanish and English for the past 8 years. I had been in the hotel business for the past 37 years, 25 of those in Dallas, Texas. I love my family; they are my support. I love walking my dog and gardening (they are also my therapy). I immensely enjoy my Family-to-Family classes because I am able to pay back all the love, support, and teaching that NAMI provides for me and my family, and also teach families how to understand and help their loved ones suffering from mental health issues.

  • Resources | Nami North Texas

    Resources Frequently Asked Questions Learn More Printables Learn More IF YOU NEED EMERGENCY HELP, PLEASE CALL 911.  If you are in CRISIS and need to speak with someone IMMEDIATELY, please call one of the following: Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255 Suicide and Crisis Center of North Texas: 214-828-1000 Collin County (Lifepath): 877-422-5939 Denton County (Mobile Crisis Outreach Team): 800-762- 0157 Denton County Mental Health Treatment Court Program: 940-349-2190 North Texas Behavioral Health Authority: 866-260-8000 Resources United Way Metropolitan Dallas Get Assistance United Way Denton County Community Resources United Way Denton County & Credible Minds NAMI Help Line Here For Texas Find Help Resources for Children & Families Navigate Life Texas North Texas Help Texas Transition and Employment Guide Psychiatric & Emergency Services EMERGENCY: 911 Suicide Crisis Line: 988 Poison Help: 800-222-1222 Spanish Helpline: 972-233-2428

  • Printables | Nami North Texas

    Printables NAMI NTX Resource Card Save as a 4x6 photo 911 Checklist Save as a 4x6 photo

  • FAQ | Nami North Texas

    What types of services does NAMI North Texas provide? NAMI North Texas is a non-profit organization providing free education, advocacy, and support for individuals and family members affected by a mental health condition. We do not offer any medical or clinical services. We offer helpline support from 9 AM - 5 PM for callers wanting to obtain general information about mental health resources. You can reach us at (214) 341-7133. How can a person reach the NAMI North Texas helpline? The NAMI North Texas helpline is available by phone and email. Individuals seeking assistance can call (214) 341-7133 or email If no one is available to take your call immediately, please leave a message, and your call will be returned. Should you or anyone you know require emergency assistance, please dial 911. View our Emergency Guide and 911 Checklist for advice on speaking to law enforcement regarding a loved one with a mental health condition. What type of information is provided through the NAMI North Texas helpline? NAMI North Texas provides basic mental health information, contact information on resources available in Dallas, Collin, Denton and Rockwall Counties, as well as additional information about the education, support, and advocacy services we provide. Who are your services for? Our services are generally designed for individuals 18 years of age or older who have a mental health challenge OR are a family member/caregiver of a person with a mental health diagnosis. We also have programs and services for local companies, schools, businesses, city and state offices/divisions, etc., seeking training and presentations on mental health. What does NAMI mean by "peer"? A peer, in this case, is an individual living with a mental health condition and is in recovery. What does NAMI mean by "family member"? In this case, a family member/caregiver is an individual of a loved one living with a mental health condition. What is a NAMI North Texas support group? NAMI Connection is a free, 60-90 minute recovery support group for people living with a mental health condition where people learn from one another's experiences, share coping strategies, and offer mutual encouragement and understanding. The groups provide an ongoing opportunity to discuss the challenges of living with a mental health condition and techniques for maintaining wellness. All groups are facilitated by peers recovering from a mental health condition. NAMI Family Support Group is a free, 60-90 minute local meeting of caregivers of individuals with a mental health condition. Family members can talk frankly about their challenges and help one another through their learned wisdom. These meetings are facilitated by trained NAMI members in NAMI affiliates across the country, and participants are encouraged to share actively in the group's work. Support groups are ongoing throughout the year. The current schedule of NAMI North Texas support groups is HERE. Are NAMI North Texas support groups open to anyone? NAMI North Texas support groups are only for individuals 18 and over who live with a mental health condition OR family members/caregivers seeking peer support. What is a NAMI North Texas education class? Peer-to-Peer Education Class is a free, 8-week, peer-directed recovery education course open to any person with a mental health condition. Peer-to-Peer emphasizes recovery from mental health conditions as a feasible, supportable goal and challenges the stigma often wrongly associated with mental health conditions. Family-to-Family Education Class is a free, 8-week course for families, partners, and friends of individuals with a mental health condition taught by more than 3,500 trained NAMI Family members and caregivers of individuals living with a mental health condition. The course dwells on the emotional responses families have to the trauma of mental health conditions; many family members describe their experience in the program as life-changing. Familia-de-Familia Education Class is a free, 12-week course for families, partners, and friends of individuals with a mental health condition taught by more than 3,500 trained NAMI Family members and caregivers of individuals living with a mental health condition. The course dwells on the emotional responses families have to the trauma of mental health conditions; many family members describe their experience in the program as life-changing. NAMI Basics is a free, 6-week, peer-directed education program developed specifically for parents and other family caregivers of children and adolescents. Education classes are usually scheduled in seasonal blocks (Fall, Spring & Summer). Current courses are listed HERE. Does NAMI North Texas have any more class locations than what is listed on the website? The NAMI Signature Classes (Family-to-Family, Peer-to-Peer, and NAMI Basics) listed on the NAMI North Texas website are currently available for NAMI North Texas. To locate a free education class outside the NAMI Dallas service area, please visit and select the "Find Your Local NAMI" tab. This page will bring up a map of the United States, and visitors can choose a state and city in which a local NAMI affiliate may be located. Can a high school or college student attend a support group or education class for a research project? NAMI North Texas support groups are closed to students/professionals seeking to complete education/employment requirements. This guideline ensures that we protect our participants and maintain a healthy environment without any distractions or feelings of apprehension. However, some education courses may be open to students/professionals. Consent is REQUIRED from the teacher and participants enrolled in the class before visiting. If you are a student/professional and would like to see a class, please contact the NAMI North Texas office first at (214) 341-7133 or via email at Where can a person view a complete list of NAMI North Texas services? Click here for a list of services, or view the document below, available in both Spanish and English. Do you have to sign up for NAMI North Texas services? Individuals (family members and people living with a mental health condition) interested in taking a class must register to ensure we have enough material and space. The only requirement to attend a support group is that you are diagnosed with a mental health condition or a family member/caregiver of a person with a mental health condition. All NAMI North Texas services are FREE. Does NAMI North Texas provide housing/residential services? NAMI North Texas does not provide housing/residential services. We encourage anyone seeking housing information to contact Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance. Helpful information may also be available at Does NAMI North Texas provide transportation assistance? NAMI North Texas does not provide transportation. If you receive services through Medicaid, you may be eligible for The Medical Transportation Program. The Medical Transportation Program sets up non-emergency rides for people who have no other way to get to their Medicaid healthcare visits. This includes people with Medicaid, children who get services through the Children with Special Health Care Needs program, and people in the Transportation of Indigent Cancer Patients program. To get more information about the program, please visit The toll-free phone number you call depends on where you live: Live in the Dallas area? Call 1-855-687-3255 Everyone else can call 1-877-633-8747 Does NAMI North Texas conduct home visits, welfare checks, or provide home health aide services? NAMI North Texas does not conduct home visits, welfare checks, or provide home health aide services. For welfare checks, contact your local non-emergency police department. Can NAMI North Texas recommend/refer a psychiatrist, other medical professionals, or medical advice? NAMI North Texas does not provide referrals to doctors or therapists or provide any medical advice. Can NAMI North Texas recommend/refer a legal representative, legal services, or legal advice? NAMI North Texas does not recommend legal representatives, legal services, or legal advice. Can NAMI North Texas provide medication needs? NAMI North Texas is a non-clinical mental health organization. We do not have medical staff available to answer any questions regarding medications. Please follow up with your primary care physician or prescriber. In case of an emergency, please dial 911. What other resources does NAMI North Texas have for those seeking help? Please visit our Resource page and our Education & Support page for more information. How can someone obtain a mental illness warrant? To learn more about or obtain a mental illness warrant in the Dallas area, please call 214-653-7485 or 214-653-7418. Mental Illness warrant procedures vary in each county; if you are outside of Dallas County, please contact your local court to determine how to obtain a mental illness warrant. Does NAMI North Texas accept donations? NAMI North Texas accepts in-kind and monetary donations. Donations can be given through our secure online PayPal account, or checks may be mailed to 2812 Swiss Ave. Dallas, Texas 75204. Please call (214) 341-7133 to determine what in-kind donations are accepted. How much are the NAMI North Texas membership fees/dues? NAMI North Texas offers 3 levels of membership: Individual : $40 Family: $60 Open Door: $5 (for persons with a limited income source) Become a member here. Does NAMI North Texas utilize volunteer services? NAMI North Texas is a volunteer-based organization, and we welcome individuals of various backgrounds interested in helping support the mission of NAMI North Texas. Please visit our Volunteer page to learn more. What are NAMI North Texas' hours of operation? NAMI North Texas business hours are Monday-Friday from 9 AM – 5 PM.

  • Ending the Silence | Nami North Texas

    NAMI's Ending the Silence program is a trio of engaging presentations to help schools and organizations serving youth and their families address mental health. Ending the Silence is a powerful tool in raising awareness, improving understanding and reducing stigma. It delivers a message of hope and recovery, helping to end stigma and empower safe, open communication around mental health conditions. Please click on the links below to read more about each presentation and request Ending the Silence for your group. ETS for Students ETS for Educators ETS for Families REQUEST ENDING THE SILENCE PRESENTATION Ending the Silence delivers a message of hope and recovery, helping to end stigma and empower safe, open communication around mental health conditions. Questions? Contact us at or 214-341-7133

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