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  • NAMIWalks North Texas | Nami North Texas

    It's not how far we walk at NAMIWalks North Texas on May 17, 2025 at Grandscape, but how far we've come to make our milestones count. With your support and high spirits, we intend to make an unprecedented impact on mental health in our community. Give your all for Mental Health for All. Join Us Together we can achieve more. At NAMI North Texas we strive to make sure we create a stigma-free, supportive community. Please join us in being apart of the change for Mental Health for All. Register Here Donate If you're unable to join us at the event in person, you can still make a meaningful impact by contributing to ending the stigma through donations. Your support is greatly appreciated! Donate Sponsor To sponsor, fill out our packet! Our Walks Manager will contact you once submitted. For sponsorship details, reach out to Marisa Alonso, Marketing & Events Coordinator, at Sponsor Packet Brittney Johnson 2025 Walk Chair Brittney Johnson is an Emmy Award-winning journalist who serves as co-anchor of NBC 5 News at 10 p.m. Monday through Friday. Before moving to DFW, Brittney spent six years in Charlotte, North Carolina where she anchored the market’s top-rated morning newscasts and delivered in-depth and investigative stories on the affordable housing crisis, mental health, and the foster care system. Her TV news career has also taken her to Little Rock, Arkansas, and Monroe, Louisiana. Brittney is a proud graduate of Howard University and the University of California at Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. She is also a fitness enthusiast. The NASM-certified personal trainer and nutrition coach teaches group fitness classes, has run several marathons, practices yoga, and enjoys indoor cycling. Brittney enjoys mentoring and serving the community. In addition to serving as a speaker and emcee for charities across DFW, she delivers lunch to seniors every Tuesday for Meals on Wheels of Tarrant County; is a frequent platelet donor through Carter BloodCare, serves as Honorary Chair for the Community Council of Greater Dallas’ Family Fit Fest, is co-sponsor of a scholarship for college students through the Arlington Foundation for Excellence in Education and is a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. and the National Association of Black Journalists.

  • Volunteer | Nami North Texas

    Volunteer Volunteer with NAMI North Texas Volunteering is easy! Apply, attend orientation, and start making a difference! Nuevos Voluntarios Próximas orientaciones para nuevos voluntarios Las nuevas reuniones de Voluntarios se suspenden temporalmente. Sin embargo, todavía estamos aceptando solicitudes y nos pondremos en contacto con usted pronto. ¡Esperamos darle la bienvenida a la familia de NAMI North Texas! Nuevos Voluntarios Próximas orientaciones para nuevos voluntarios Las nuevas reuniones de Voluntarios se suspenden temporalmente. Sin embargo, todavía estamos aceptando solicitudes y nos pondremos en contacto con usted pronto. ¡Esperamos darle la bienvenida a la familia de NAMI North Texas! Nuevos Voluntarios Próximas orientaciones para nuevos voluntarios Las nuevas reuniones de Voluntarios se suspenden temporalmente. Sin embargo, todavía estamos aceptando solicitudes y nos pondremos en contacto con usted pronto. ¡Esperamos darle la bienvenida a la familia de NAMI North Texas! Sign Up for Orientation Nuevos Voluntarios Próximas orientaciones para nuevos voluntarios Las nuevas reuniones de Voluntarios se suspenden temporalmente. Sin embargo, todavía estamos aceptando solicitudes y nos pondremos en contacto con usted pronto. ¡Esperamos darle la bienvenida a la familia de NAMI North Texas!

  • Kids, Teens, & Young Adults | Nami North Texas

    Kids, Teens, & Young Adults Terminando el silencio El programa Ending the Silence de NAMI es un trío de presentaciones atractivas para ayudar a las escuelas y organizaciones que sirven a los jóvenes y sus familias a abordar la salud mental. Terminar con el silencio es una herramienta poderosa para crear conciencia, mejorar la comprensión y reducir el estigma. APRENDE MÁS FUNDAMENTOS DE NAMI NAMI Basics es un programa gratuito de seis sesiones diseñado para padres y otros cuidadores familiares de niños y adolescentes con dificultades emocionales y de conducta. NAMI Basics ayuda a los padres y otros cuidadores familiares a comprender las condiciones de salud mental que pueden ser que causan estas dificultades de comportamiento y el papel crítico que juegan las familias en el tratamiento de esas condiciones. El programa es impartido por maestros capacitados que también son padres/cuidadores familiares cuyos niños experimentaron dificultades emocionales o de comportamiento. APRENDE MÁS BÁSICOS DE NAMI PARA PROFESIONALES NAMI Basics es un programa gratuito de seis sesiones diseñado para padres y otros cuidadores familiares de niños y adolescentes que experimentan problemas de salud mental. NAMI North Texas ahora ofrece esta clase para profesionales para ayudarlos a comprender mejor el impacto que las condiciones de salud mental tienen en los jóvenes y en la familia. La información proporcionada equipará a los profesionales que trabajan con jóvenes y sus familias con conocimientos únicos que pueden permitirles trabajar de manera más colaborativa con las familias como parte del equipo de tratamiento, así como ayudarlos a comprender el valor de referir a sus clientes a NAMI Basics. APRENDE MÁS prospere CLUB DE SALUD MENTAL DE LA ESCUELA SECUNDARIA THRIVE son clubes dirigidos por estudiantes que crean conciencia sobre la salud mental y reducen el estigma en los campus de las escuelas secundarias a través de actividades, educación y eventos dirigidos por compañeros. A través de una asociación con NAMI North Texas, los líderes estudiantiles reciben herramientas, materiales y recursos para hacer que el funcionamiento del club sea divertido y educativo. Los clubes THRIVE conectan a los estudiantes con su comunidad local y los apoyan en la creación de una cultura libre de juicios y aceptando pedir ayuda; una cultura escolar más consciente y que apoye la salud mental. Los clubes THRIVE están abiertos a todos los estudiantes interesados en la salud mental. No es un grupo de apoyo o terapia. El club sirve como un espacio donde los estudiantes con ideas afines pueden encabezar actividades y debates que combaten el estigma y contribuyen a un clima positivo general para la salud mental. APRENDE MÁS NAMI North Texas is proud to partner with these schools, universities, churches, and community groups to encourage conversation about mental health. Amamos y apreciamos a nuestros patrocinadores. Mental Health Facts: Children & Teens 10 Common Warning Signs of a Mental Health Condition in Teens and Young Adults Telling the difference between "normal" behaviors and what might be the signs of a mental health condition isn't always easy. Some common warning signs are highlighted in this video. For more local resource information for families and children, please visit our resource page .

  • Overwatch Peer Support | Nami North Texas

    Jump to: Request Support | Family Support Group | OPS Trainings | Meet Our Instructors | Events Built BY First Responders, FOR First Responders The award-winning NAMI North Texas OPS program is the first of its kind: in-person, no-cost, confidential, community-based, inter-agency peer support network for first responders. This innovative program provides a private option to take the first step towards mental health care, making it easier for first responders to seek help, prioritize their own well-being, and connect with vetted, culturally appropriate clinical care when necessary. Intended to be supplementary to intra-agency support teams, OPS serves as an additional resource to optimize first responder wellness and professional performance. After more than a decade of experience working with law enforcement, NAMI North Texas developed the 16-hour, high quality, law enforcement peer support certification course in 2021-2022 with the help of the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute. Once a first responder completes this training, they receive an OPS certification and are eligible to provide 1-1 support to other first responders who request assistance through OPS. First responders are also trained to recognize when peer support is not enough, thus serving as bridges to professional mental health services that specialize in treating first responders. During the summer of 2023, the OPS program expanded to all first responder professionals, including communications/dispatch, corrections, and civilian employees of law enforcement agencies, and fire/ems personnel. Help support first responder mental health in North Texas Supporting first responder mental health in North Texas is crucial to ensure the well-being of those who tirelessly serve and protect our communities. Overwatch Peer Support has trained individuals across 35 departments and two federal agencies, extending their invaluable education and support to over 2549 individuals last year alone. You can directly contribute to providing essential mental health support and resources to those utilizing OPS, and help first responders cope with the challenges they face daily. Your generosity can make a significant difference in enhancing the mental resilience and overall welfare of our North Texas first responders and their civilian colleagues. Your contribution is greatly appreciated! Donate If you are a member of the first responder community (sworn or civilian), and would like to be connected with an OPS Peer Supporter, please register using the button below. Information you provide will be reviewed only by the program coordinator and your confidentiality will be protected. Request Peer Support Overwatch Family Support NAMI Overwatch Family Support is a free, 90-minute monthly support group. Overwatch Family Support are no-cost, confidential, community-based groups led BY family members of first responders FOR family members of first responders. This includes fire, EMS, law enforcement, dispatchers, corrections officers, probation officers, and civilian employees of First Responder agencies. Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences. Registration Capacitación de apoyo entre pares de OP Programación de las próximas capacitaciones de compañeros de apoyo 17 y 18 de febrero en Rowlett, Texas 21 y 22 de febrero en Rowlett, Texas April 21-22 8am-5pm Bill J. Priest Center - Dallas College 1402 Corinth Street, Dallas, 75215 Register Here OPS ADVANCED Trainings FOR OPS PEER SUPPORTERS WHO HAVE COMPLETED THE 16 HOUR BASIC TRAINING TBA TBA OPS Training Fee Policy Learn More In response to the increasing demand for our OPS Basic Course, we are implementing a new training fee policy tailored to accommodate the needs of first responders in and out of our service area. The new policy aims to balance accessibility with the quality of instructors, materials for the course, and ensuring that every first responder and their civilian colleagues receive valuable information from the course. By implementing this new approach, we are reaffirming our commitment to supporting those who dedicate their lives to public service, empowering them with the tools they need to prioritize their mental health and effectively serve those in need. Meet our Instructors Revved Up Resilience Car Show A community event dedicated to supporting first responder wellness April 19, 2025 | 9 AM - 1 PM American Eagle Harley Davidson 5920 S Interstate 35, Corinth, TX 76210 About Detective Michelle Horridge Det. Michelle Horridge, who has been with FMPD for 18 years and also serves as NAMI North Texas’ Frontline Wellness Coordinator. For more information: Contact Detective Michelle Horridge Flower Mound Police Department & NAMI North Texas Frontline Wellness Coordinator

  • Horario de clases | Nami North Texas

    ¡Bienvenido a la página de clases de NAMI! Aquí, puede registrarse para cualquiera de las clases abiertas enumeradas. Tenga en cuenta que algunas clases pueden estar llenas, pero aún puede estar en la lista de espera para futuras clases. saltar al programa: Grupo De Apoyo Para Familiares De Familia A Familia Un grupo de apoyo para familiares de personas que experimentan problemas de salud mental. 1er y 3er martes a las 6 p. m. - 7:30 p. m. 2do sábado de cada mes a las 13:00 - 14:30 10 de mayo virtuales | 18:00 - 19:30 Facilitadores: Joy y Charlene REGISTRARSE 8-semana clases Para todos Febrero 8 Los Sabados a las | 12:00 PM Febrero 8 - Marzo 29 Lugar: Avance Singleton Más información después del registro regístrate aquí Febrero 15 Los Sabados a las | 11:00 AM Febrero 15 - Abril 19 Via Zoom Más información después del registro regístrate aquí "Este programa hizo una tremenda diferencia en mi relación con mi hija. No puedo creer cómo desinformada era sobre la enfermedad mental. Ya me he referido a tres personas para la próxima clase."

  • Events | Nami North Texas

    Upcoming Events April 19, 2025 American Eagle Harley-Davidson Corinth, TX Revved Up Resilience Car Show Learn More May 17, 2025 Grandscape The Colony, TX NAMIWalks North Texas Learn More

  • Public Documents | Nami North Texas

    Public Documents Bylaws Operating Policies & Procedures Impact Reports 2023 Impact Report 2022 Impact Report 2021 Impact Report 2020 Impact Report 2019 Impact Report For any reports prior to 2019 please contact us

  • Educación y apoyo | Nami North Texas

    de familia a familia NAMI Family-to-Family es un programa educativo gratuito de 8 semanas para familiares de adultos que viven con una afección de salud mental: padres, hermanos, cónyuges, hijos adultos, parejas y otras personas importantes. La intención de este curso es ofrecer información y apoyo sobre la condición de su ser querido mientras lo ayuda a comprender cómo cuidarse mejor. Family-to-Family brinda información sobre diagnósticos, sus aspectos biológicos, posibilidades de vivir en recuperación y detalla una variedad de estrategias de tratamiento disponibles. Mientras aprende cómo defender, comunicarse y relacionarse mejor con su ser querido, también estará rodeado del apoyo de otras personas en el mismo viaje. A lo largo del curso, también aprenderá cómo lidiar con la preocupación, el estrés y la sobrecarga emocional a través de conversaciones confidenciales y empáticas. De familia a familia es enseñado por facilitadores capacitados que saben lo que es tener un ser querido con una condición de salud mental. Todos son participantes valiosos, y lo invitamos a unirse y compartir. Horario de clases de familia a familia NAMI Family-to-Family es un programa educativo gratuito de 8 semanas para familiares de adultos que viven con una afección de salud mental: padres, hermanos, cónyuges, hijos adultos, parejas y otras personas importantes. La intención de este curso es ofrecer información y apoyo sobre la condición de su ser querido mientras lo ayuda a comprender cómo cuidarse mejor. Family-to-Family brinda información sobre diagnósticos, sus aspectos biológicos, posibilidades de vivir en recuperación y detalla una variedad de estrategias de tratamiento disponibles. Mientras aprende cómo defender, comunicarse y relacionarse mejor con su ser querido, también estará rodeado del apoyo de otras personas en el mismo viaje. A lo largo del curso, también aprenderá cómo lidiar con la preocupación, el estrés y la sobrecarga emocional a través de conversaciones confidenciales y empáticas. De familia a familia es enseñado por facilitadores capacitados que saben lo que es tener un ser querido con una condición de salud mental. Todos son participantes valiosos, y lo invitamos a unirse y compartir. Horario de clases

  • Courtney Jaimes | Nami North Texas

    Nicole Bowers Nicole Bowers ha trabajado en el Departamento de Policía de Plano como Coordinadora de Salud Mental desde 2014. Brinda seguimiento a las personas que tienen contacto con la policía debido a crisis de salud mental y sus familiares/sistema de apoyo. Uno de los objetivos de este trabajo es conectar a las personas con recursos en la comunidad que puedan ayudar a apoyar a la persona y su sistema de apoyo y ayudar a mitigar futuras crisis.

  • Lisa Redwine OPS Instructor Bio | Nami North Texas

    About Lisa Redwine Lisa started at the FBI on August 1988 and became a back-up photographer in 1990. In 1995, became a member of the newly created FBI Evidence Response Team, and specialized in forensic photography and crime scenes. In 2020, a group of 12 ERT members from across the US started the Resiliency Working Group Team. In 2022, Lisa attended the F1RST Peer Resiliency Training and met Todd Gyure. It was then that he asked me to attend OPS Training to become a peer to others in supporting roles across law enforcement. Lisa been a part of OPS since April 2023.

  • Todd Gyure OPS Instructor Bio | Nami North Texas

    About Todd Gyure Todd Gyure has worked at the Garland Police Department for over 21 years with 16.5 years of that time spent working in the Patrol unit. For the past 5 years Todd has been assigned to the Garland Police Departments Wellness Unit. Todd is in his 12th year as a member of The Garland Police Departments S.W.A.T. team as a hostage negotiator. Todd is a TCOLE certified mental health officer, a Suicide and Crisis Center of North TX certified telephone crisis counselor, GPD TCOLE 1850 Crisis intervention training instructor, Department of Public Safety certified Officer Resilience Training Leader, FRCPI certified law enforcement suicide prevention trainer, IAFF behavioral health awareness peer support certified, First Responder Stress and Trauma instructor (F1RST), member of Garland Police Departments Critical Incident Stress Management team, founder of The Law Enforcement Mental Health Alliance of North TX, founder of the NAMI North TX Overwatch Peer Support (OPS) program, Associate Producer of the film PTSD911, Mental Health First Aid certified instructor, and a Certified Police Field Training Officer. Todd is passionate about all things brain health for both the public he serves, and the law enforcement/first responder community at large. During his time with The Garland Police Department Todd has earned numerous awards and commendations to include: FOP’s Officer of the year, Garland Police Department’s 2019 Unit of the Year for his work in the wellness unit, Police Commendation Bar, Meritorious Conduct Bar, 2 Life Saving Bars, several Officer of the Month certificates, and a 2022 Mental Health America Prism award winner. Todd has spent that last 19 years as a big brother to Zach Moore. Zach Moore is the only son of Garland Officer Michael David Moore who was killed in the line of duty in 1997. Todd is a past president of NAMI North TX, and still serves on the board of directors. Todd earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from the University of North TX, has two current TX public school teacher certificates, and his Master Peace Officer license.

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2812 Swiss Ave, Dallas, TX 75204
(214) 341-7133

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