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Built BY First Responders, FOR First Responders

The NAMI North Texas OPS program is the first of its kind: in-person, no-cost, confidential, community-based, inter-agency peer support network for first responders. This innovative program provides a private option to take the first step towards mental health care, making it easier for first responders to seek help, prioritize their own well-being, and connect with vetted, culturally appropriate clinical care when necessary. Intended to be supplementary to intra-agency support teams, OPS serves as an additional resource to optimize first responder wellness and professional performance.

After more than a decade of experience working with law enforcement, NAMI North Texas developed the 16-hour, high quality, law enforcement peer support certification course in 2021-2022 with the help of the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute. Once a first responder completes this training, they receive an OPS certification and are eligible to provide 1-1 support to other first responders who request assistance through OPS. First responders are also trained to recognize when peer support is not enough, thus serving as bridges to professional mental health services that specialize in treating first responders.

During the summer of 2023, the OPS program expanded to all first responder professionals, including communications/dispatch, corrections, and civilian employees of law enforcement agencies, and fire/ems personnel.


Help support first responder mental health in North Texas

Supporting first responder mental health in North Texas is crucial to ensure the well-being of those who tirelessly serve and protect our communities. Overwatch Peer Support has trained individuals across 35 departments and two federal agencies, extending their invaluable education and support to over 2549 individuals last year alone.

You can directly contribute to providing essential mental health support and resources to those utilizing OPS, and help first responders cope with the challenges they face daily. Your generosity can make a significant difference in enhancing the mental resilience and overall welfare of our North Texas first responders and their civilian colleagues. Your contribution is greatly appreciated!

Officer Todd Gyure has worked at the Garland Police Department for over 20 years with 16.5 years of that time spent working in the Patrol unit.  For the past 3.5 years Todd has been assigned to the Garland Police Departments Wellness Unit. Todd is in his 11th year as a member of The Garland Police Departments S.W.A.T. team as a hostage negotiator.  Todd is passionate about all things brain health for both the public he serves, and the law enforcement/first responder community at large.


Lauren and Todd discuss the importance of the NAMI North TX Overwatch Peer Support (OPS) program for first responders, the film PTSD911, and prioritizing mental health.

If you are a member of the first responder community

(sworn or civilian), and would like to be connected with an OPS Peer Supporter, please register using the button below.

Information you provide will be reviewed only by the program coordinator ​and your confidentiality will be protected.


Grupo de apoyo familiar

NAMI Family Support Group es un grupo de apoyo mensual gratuito de 90 minutos para familiares, cuidadores y seres queridos de personas con una afección de salud mental. Facilitado por compañeros que tienen experiencia en el cuidado de seres queridos que viven con una condición de salud mental, estas personas capacitadas entienden sus luchas y ofrecen apoyo compasivo. Los Grupos de Apoyo Familiar están estructurados en un ambiente informal, relajado y sin formato educativo, donde todo lo que compartes se mantiene en total confidencialidad. Los miembros obtienen esperanza, conocimiento, apoyo y comunidad a través de conversaciones con compañeros que se encuentran en una posición similar. Tendrá la oportunidad de crecer a partir de las experiencias de otros a medida que aprenda y se apoye mutuamente. Nunca tienes que compartir más de lo que quieres, y no hay necesidad de registrarse; solo ven cuando necesites alguien con quien hablar. Los grupos de apoyo familiar están abiertos a todos los adultos cuyos seres queridos viven con una afección de salud mental, independientemente del diagnóstico. Damos la bienvenida a los visitantes y lo alentamos a compartir sus pensamientos en cualquier momento.

Capacitación de apoyo entre pares de OP

Programación de las próximas capacitaciones de compañeros de apoyo
17 y 18 de febrero en Rowlett, Texas
​ 21 y 22 de febrero en Rowlett, Texas

June 19-20th 


Bill J Priest Institute 

1402 Corinth St. Dallas


Trauma & Resiliency 

May 21, 2024


Garland Police Department 


OPS Training Fee Policy

In response to the increasing demand for our OPS Basic Course, we are implementing a new training fee policy tailored to accommodate the needs of first responders in and out of our service area. The new policy aims to balance accessibility with the quality of instructors, materials for the course, and ensuring that every first responder and their civilian colleagues receive valuable information from the course. By implementing this new approach, we are reaffirming our commitment to supporting those who dedicate their lives to public service, empowering them with the tools they need to prioritize their mental health and effectively serve those in need.

No hay eventos próximos en este momento

Meet our Instuctors


Detective Michelle Horridge 

Det. Michelle Horridge, who has been with FMPD for 18 years and also serves as NAMI North Texas’ Frontline Wellness Coordinator.

For more information:

Contact Detective Michelle Horridge

Flower Mound Police Department &

NAMI North Texas Frontline Wellness Coordinator

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